

Increased production of organic and bio-dynamic wines has always been one of the key topics of this year. There are more and more of producers in France who are converting to this mode of viticulture.


Over the last ten years, the number of organic vineyards has increased by 250% worldwide, 15% over the year 2018 represents a total surface of 1.7 million hectares. Spain, Italy, and France are the leading organic producers in the world, accounting for 70% of organic vineyards worldwide. The consumption of organic wine increases with value and will soon exceed one billion euros per year.

In France, 10% of the vineyards are now organic, which represent about 6000 winegrowers. In terms of production, almost half of organic wines are sold abroad! Generally, French wines are performing internationally, with 30% of production exported, and this figure rises to 46% for organic wines.

What are the Bio wines? To review, Click Here

Drink less but better is one of the key trends in the global alcohol market, including wines. Organic wine is more difficult to make than the others, so we understand why their prices are higher. The good news for winemakers, and even for importers, is that consumers are willing to pay more for their organic wine: 8.70 euros against 6.90, according to an Ipsos survey.

Well, if you’re interested in importing Bio wines and testing your market potential, you’re in the right place!

Because, at Wine Palette, French Wines Exporter of all regions, we have some of the best Bio wines to propose to you!

Check our catalog of Organic and Biodynamic wines.

Wine palette is here to help you with recommendations for the best wines to fit your needs !